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Late Autumn 2024

Applications open

Find out more

Late Autumn 2024

Applications open

To be notified when applications open for 2025, click here.

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Early January 2025 icon

Early January 2025

Student application deadline

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Early January 2025 icon

Early January 2025

School reference deadline

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Early March 2025 icon

Early March 2025

Applicants notified of application outcome

Steps to apply

1. The application will ask questions on:

      • Academic profile
      • Passport and visa information
      • Family and financial background information
      • Extra-curricular activities

2. Applicants are required to complete five short essays, each with a word limit of 150 words, and a video interview. This helps us to get to know you better. Full details of these can be found within the online application.

3. Choose a school referee and send this person information on how they will complete your school reference. You will submit your chosen referee’s name and contact information, and an invitation email will be sent out to your referee. They will receive a link to complete and submit the school reference form.

Only submitted online applications with completed school references will be considered.


Alumni story

I remember speaking to some other students on the programme about how, due to our personal circumstances and the obstacles facing us, none of us had really ‘dared to dream’ before, or allowed ourselves to even dream of an opportunity like studying in the US. For me, getting into the programme challenged this mindset; it came by surprise, and was followed by excitement, determination and hard work.

Ahlaam Moledina | Northwestern University class of 2023

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